blind spot

Thursday, February 10, 2005

Just me and Naruto

Hehehe...all this while i start collecting naruto...i download all the way from episode 1 until episode 120...hahaha..giler i woke up a bit late..well at 1 pm..waiting for diyana to come over my house..well she wanted Full Metal Panic season 1..hehe

Yesterday i keep listening to Move Album...heehee..head banging all the way with load speakers and cool subwoofer..wooff wooff..erm yesterday i went to alamanda..just jalan jalan...and then stop to this one shop...and guess what i just bought something that long time i did not buy..because takut to buy that thing...everytime i bought that thing and give it to someone...bad things will happen to me...hahaha..whatever la...I watched the making of Naruto Movie was damn cool..wah i want to watch that was realease on laste year August...i search for torrent..arghh crap..i guess they removed it feeling so BLEEEHHHH rite now..

Shylla's father call me just now..asking about the Laptop that he send to me yseterday..well he ask me to take a look at far the usb are now 100% can be use..and then the laptp already being formated..but one thing i hate about formatting laptop..drivers..huh shylla's father said they dont have the driver's for his i went search in the internet..i found it..i found the Network Controller, Ethernet, Video and Audio Controller...but one more thing i could'nt find for this IBM laptop T41 series..i have no idea what is the "unknown device"..hiah..the result some of the function to the laptop cannot be detected..i called shylla's father and he said he will ask his friend who deal with IBM hardwares..well then without all the drivers installed...i proceed on to the next step..installing all the security softwares and all stuff that an adult and a teenagers i think they possibly use..hehehe..after done with all that i went and sleep around 1 am like that..

Around 3 am..i receive a msg via SMS...its diyana..she wanted to use my house phone..she said got urgent stuff...she came without her glasses on..and i think she was crying...haih..relationship proble i guess..after 40 minutes i guess..well Diyana actually count the minute when she was on the she finished on her conversation with her boy friend, she came to me and said that her boyfriend just wanted to test her on some stuff..thats all...hahaha...i wa laughing seeing diyana "kebengangan"..then she left my house..and i went back to sleep...hahaha..why people keep asking me this "tak takut ker...tido sorang sorang'...haih should i afraid of something..yes u must...but not afraid..the word is awareness..i must take pre coutious and stuff like that to make sure nothing bad happen..kih kih kih

Today Munirah will come back from perak all the way to KL..she said she's not sure when did she will come back to cyber...hahaha..enjoy ur chinese new year huh...awak...balik la cyber cepat..hehe..yesterday i already kemas my rumah like crazy...wah thats it housemate have to do the same too...shit mana boleh me sorang saja buat sapu rumah almost everyday...yg bengang tue..derang boleh buat tak tahu jer masa i sapu sampah...wah...thinking of it make me angry...yah..u guys better do it next time bro...cuz u guys punya place paling kotor..haih...kuikuikui..nak buat macam mana dah nasib..aik im talking malay plak...arghh lantakla..hehehe..

I was planning on changing my blog template...but i got no time on doing the design and coding..hiah assignment also i didnt do yet...yearbook work and emina work...wahhh ini cuti i said to Nirah...we need a long vacation...we choose island..maybe langkawi...hehehe..both of us tention with our sucky life already...hehehehe..just hope that it will change soon..tak tahan dowh...