blind spot

Tuesday, January 18, 2005

What a Day

Well to day im quite that busy my self..preparing for meetings and assignment in the morning until class which start at 12 pm..but i did not go for that 12 pm class because i forgot about it..arghhh im so forgetful..

Lately due to nearly end of...owh wait not near la..but the event will be held before the end of this acedemic year end..well Prom nite..a killer word for me..last semester while i still have a gurl friend..she did ask about to go or not to go..but due to my busy life style full of work kind of shit..i have to cancel the prom nite..well im so pity with sorry gurl..i know she realy wanted to go..but i smashed her hope just like that..sorry again..well back to the current story..lately some of my friend asked me..why i did not go for prom nite..or some goes like this "pergi la prom nite" how should answer that type of question..well i know it is not compulsary for u to go to prom with partner..but most of them goe with their partner..i dont plan to go with my guy friend either...hahaha..i dont want to go there alone either..see people with their partner will make me hurt i guess or envy stuff like that..erm i might considered of going to the prom..but see first la how things turn out..i might change my mind..or maybe got sweet gurl who actualy wanted to go with me..hehehe i went for meeting for my yearbook..everything run just ok..and right after the meeting we have some celebration for 3 birthday gurl who just turn to be 19 and is Evana's, Miera's, and Marissa's birthday..we have a cake..well it is my favorite cake actualy..banana chocolate cake from "secret recipe"..after that went for a meeting from 10 to 12 am..well im now im here..hehehe..done for the day..and what i and my fellow yearbookers going to do starting 11 pm til dawn tomorrow is quite an interesting things for me to do...we going for ghost hunting..well this gonna be one of our feature article in MMU yearbook Vol. 5..hope so going to see the ghost..ehehe..